Caucasian$11978$ - translation to greek
Online Dictionary

Caucasian$11978$ - translation to greek

Caucasian Alder; Caucasian alder

adj. καυκάσιος


·noun A member of any of the white races of mankind.
II. Caucasian ·noun A native or inhabitant of the Caucasus, ·esp. a Circassian or Georgian.
III. Caucasian ·adj Of or pertaining to the Caucasus, a mountainous region between the Black and Caspian seas.
IV. Caucasian ·adj Of or pertaining to the white races of mankind, of whom the people about Mount Caucasus were formerly taken as the type.


Alnus subcordata

Alnus subcordata, the Caucasian alder, is a species in the family Betulaceae, native to Hyrcanian forests of Iran and the Caucasus. It is closely related to the Italian alder (A. cordata) and Alnus orientalis.

It is a deciduous tree growing to 15–25 m tall, with similar glossy green cordate leaves 5–15 cm long. The flowers are catkins, the male catkins very slender, 8–15 cm long, the female catkins small, maturing into a woody cone-like fruit 2–3 cm long containing numerous small winged seeds.

Two varieties have been recorded:

  • Alnus subcordata var. subcordata C.A. Mey.
  • Alnus subcordata var. villosa (Regel) H.J.P.Winkl